We are currently accepting submissions for our upcoming issue, “Hands”.

We are looking for submissions that tell the stories of hands - what they have felt, held, made or otherwise done. Strong submissions should bring to mind the ways in which we first experience the world through touch, the ways we hold and wish not to let go of what is precious to us, the ways we use our hands in service to others and in the image of our creator. Let your stories honor and celebrate the people and experiences who have shaped us.

We publish poetry, prose, and creative nonfiction. All are welcome to submit. Although we cannot publish all submissions, we appreciate each one. Writers and submissions must reflect our values to be considered for publication.


  • Our writers honor God and love others with their words and actions.

  • Our content is family-friendly and does not disparage anyone.

  • Our content praises God and gives thanks for what He has made, testifies to the ways that we see Him at work in our lives, and invites Him into our wrestling with the trials we face.

The submission window for this issue will close on January 20th.